Dairy Ordeño

Previo Dairy Ordeño es una formulación yodada de uso externo para la limpieza y mantenimiento de la higiene de ubres y pezones del ganado antes y después del ordeño que además, protege y suaviza la piel y mucosas. previo dairy ordeño

External iodine-based product for cleaning and maintaining the hygiene of udders and teats of livestock before and after milking. It also protects and softens the skin and mucous membranes.

It is indicated for topical use in COWS, SHEEP, GOATS, and other lactating females.

– Before milking: Wash the udder with a 3% solution of PREVIO DAIRY ORDEÑO in water (30 ml per liter) using a sponge or towel.

– After milking: Dip the teat into a container of undiluted PREVIO DAIRY ORDEÑO. No withdrawal period is required.

Other Uses

For wounds on the udder: Apply undiluted PREVIO DAIRY YODICAMP ORDEÑO to the affected areas. No withdrawal period is required.

Additional information

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