
ARPÓN® Alfasect es un insecticida/acaricida con alfacipermetrina, de alta eficacia, gran efecto de choque, buena repelencia y eficacia residual a bajas concentraciones, que actúa por contacto e ingestión. Es apto para su uso en instalaciones ganaderas. Insecticida ganadero

ARPÓN® Alfasect is an acaricide and insecticide for livestock capable of controlling both flying and crawling insects. It eliminates flies, mosquitoes, wasps, cockroaches, bed bugs, and lice. It is suitable for all types of livestock facilities, such as barns, stables, or boxes. It can also be used in other animal enclosures.


Before applying the ARPÓN® Alfasect insecticide for livestock, organic waste residues (feces, urine) should be removed from the area to be treated. The treatment should be carried out in the absence of animals, preventing their access to the treated area so that the insecticide can have the necessary time to take effect on the target pests.

The insecticide for livestock should be sprayed directly and locally, after diluting the product in water. It should be directed at surfaces and floors, focusing on areas frequented by insects, such as cracks, crevices, or voids. It should not be applied in aerial form. It can be applied on both porous and non-porous surfaces.

Instructions for Use

Normal treatment: Dilute 25 ml of the insecticide for livestock in 5 liters of water, and apply 1 liter of the dilution per 20 m2. Special treatment recommended for situations requiring a longer residual effect, on heavily soiled or highly absorbent surfaces: Dilute 50 ml in 5 liters of water, and apply 1 liter of the dilution per 20 m2.

Additional information

Nº reg.

Excipients: q.s.p. 100%

Datos Técnicos

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