Laca Plus

LETAL LACA® es un insecticida en forma de laca en aerosol, que combina un piretroide de efecto inmediato y gran capacidad de volteo, la D- Tetrametrina, con un piretroide de gran capacidad letal y efecto residual, la Permetrina. El producto está destinado a la eliminación de insectos rastreros (cucarachas, hormigas, pulgas, garrapatas, arañas, moscas, etc…),mediante su aplicación localizada en zócalos, rendijas y otros lugares por donde circulan los insectos. Además, el producto puede usarse en las zonas donde las moscas se posan.


LETAL® Laca Plus is an aerosol insecticide in the form of lacquer that combines three pyrethroids to achieve an immediate knockdown effect with high lethality and residual efficacy. The product is designed for the elimination of crawling insects (cockroaches, ants, fleas, ticks, spiders, flies, etc.) by applying it directly to baseboards, cracks, and other areas where insects travel. Additionally, the product can be used in areas where flies land.


LETAL® Laca Plus is intended for the elimination of crawling insects (cockroaches, ants, fleas, ticks, spiders, flies, and their larvae) by applying it directly to baseboards, cracks, and other areas where insects travel. Additionally, LETAL® Laca Plus can be used in areas where flies land.

Mode of Use

Spray the product by directing the diffuser valve at the junction of the floor and the wall from a distance of about 25-30 cm, creating a continuous line along the entire perimeter of the room. It is also recommended to spray across doorways to prevent insects from moving between rooms. When targeting spiders and flies, apply the product in the same manner, but focus on the junctions between walls and ceilings and on columns. Do not spray into the air.

Additional information

Nº reg.

400 ml. package (12 units box)

Datos Técnicos

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