Medicated Collar for Large and Extra-Large Dogs

El Collar FRONTAL DELTA posee efecto repelente (anti-alimentación) frente a flebotomos (Phlebotomus perniciosus) y mosquitos culícidos (Culex pipiens) durante 5 y 6 meses; por lo que se puede considerar como parte de un programa para la prevención de leishmaniosis y mosquitos culícidos del complejo Culex pipiens. Indicado además para la prevención de las infestaciones producidas por garrapatas y pulgas durante 6 y 4 meses.

formatos frontal delta

  • Repellent effect (anti-feeding) for 5 months against sand flies (Phlebotomus perniciosus).
  • Repellent effect for 6 months against mosquito culicids (Culex pipiens). Prevention of:
    • Tick infestations for 6 months.
    • Flea infestations for 4 months.

Repellent effect (anti-feeding) for 5 months against sand flies (Phlebotomus perniciosus). Repellent effect for 6 months against mosquito culicids (Culex pipiens). Prevention of: Tick infestations for 6 months. Flea infestations for 4 months.

The repellent effect (anti-feeding) against Phlebotomus spp has been demonstrated; therefore, it can be considered as part of a program for the prevention of leishmaniasis and culicid mosquitoes of the Culex pipiens complex.

Mode and route of administration

Adapts to collars, anti-strangulation safety.


One collar per dog.

Special warnings

Read the leaflet before use. Keep in the original packaging until use to prevent children from accessing the collar. Dogs wearing the collar should not be allowed to sleep in the same bed as their owners, especially children.

Special storage precautions

Store the bags in the outer cardboard or metal box to protect from light.


Additional information


Deltametrina: 1,304 g

Nº reg.

Datos Técnicos

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