Quality Policy and Enviroment
LABORATORIOS ZOTAL®, aware of the importance of the quality of our products and services, customer satisfaction and commitment to the respect and protection of the environment, has an Integrated Management System for Quality and Environment as part this commitment, audited and validated according to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EMAS III 1221/2009 , based on the following guidelines.
The guidelines that guide us are:
• Bet on the constant search for formulas that combine the efficacy of our products with respect to the environment, embracing the use of new technologies and researching in R+D+i.
• Compliance with legal requirements applicable to our products, the specifications of our clients and other requirements to which the organization subscribes to its own initiative that may involve a favorable impact on the environment and/or the quality of our products.
• Warranty consistency of our products , respecting the parameters of manufacturing, working in all cases under controlled conditions.
• Ensure that buy from suppliers recognized ability, our process incorporating proven quality products.
• Strict compliance with the deadlines agreed with our customers.
• Optimising use of natural and energy resources, controlling air, noise pollution and waste management, hazardous materials and the means to mitigate and prevent environmental pollution.
• Commitment to continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System for Quality and Environment Laboratorios Zotal®, that results in greater customer satisfaction.
The Directorate ensures that this commitment remains present in the objectives and strategies followed in the organization, and that integrated policy Quality and Environment is understood, implemented and maintained to this day in all levels of the Organization, and expresses its commitment on quality and environment with the definition and dissemination of this Policy.